Hi classmates!, today I"de like about a holidays that I had this last year. Well, whith my family never travel far from Santiago, in fact, to the south, I just knew Pichilemu ( no mention the north), but the last birthday ( I was 20 years old) my parents give a me a travel fot a south the Chile (we arrived until Chiloé) it was the best gift in the earth because I visit beatifull places. Well, the first days I travel to Temuco with Felipe, my birthday is the 11 december and arrived the 8 to december in the night, the first day we travel to Nehuentue, this a beatiful places that localiced on the coast of the región og Araucanía, We walked fot all the place (was a little town) and ate ceviche, in the way passed throught a town called Carahue, it was beatiful, was a " cordillera de la costa" very green and a river, I did know what would happen there, but when I saw the town name I remmembered thet my best friend lived there her childhood. The next day we went to the Temuco center, walk for the city but I dont like me very much. the next day was my birthday, Felipe wake up in the morning (8 AM) (I kept sleeping) and went to buy a cake, when arrived to supermarket he noticed that they open at 9:30, he wait there until they open and when arrived he want give a surprice but he got stuck at the door that was bad and I wake up jajajaj was a very beatiful gift. the others days arrived my family and went to the villarica, Pucón, los ojos del cagurga, Licanray, Lago Calafquem, Frutillar, Lago Pangipulli (there Felipe fall when I take him a phothografy ajaja) Lago Llanquihue, Puerto varas, Puerto Montt and arrived to Chiolé !, I was my dream to know this place and it was rewarding to know with my persons most lovely.

Aaah those are such beautiful places! I know plenty of them because I used to travel a lot with my grandparents, and I'm happy you spent time with your family and traveling! Those are, under my opinion, the best gifts anyone can give us.
ResponderBorrarRegards and hope you have a lot of new adventures in the near future! :D
I like your trip and I remember when you went in Carnaval de Danae. I love you.
ResponderBorrarThat's beautiful trip! I really like it so much. I hope visit Chiloe soon.