Something artistic I like doing

Hi guys, today  I´de like to talk about things artistic that I do. Well, always I liked perform activitis that involve moving the body in an artistic way. when I was a children (9- 17 years old) I trined artistic roller, I loved perform "esquemas" and move the body to the beat of the music (Clasical music generally), Also I trained artisctic gymnastics, but I like most than the roller. Now I practice Danza, the work the danza is most complicated than the sport because is a mental a theoretical work also the physical work. In danza is important know the origin of the danza that to perform, the mean of the moves and the mean of the music, you most are in the state of mind  where the body connects with the earth, it's hard but beautiful. Other artistic thing that like do is play the ukelele, in december the last year my boyfriend give me a ukelele for mi brithdays, was a best gift in the earth, play ukelele relax me and amuses me, the fist thing that did when he give the ukelele was learn all the songs of the beatles (my favorite band) that like me very much, the first was "something", the version of Paul McCarthy concert.


  1. woow! Hi Danae I love you post and I totally agree that you say of dance and with respect to ukelele you have to know to Jake Shimabukuro he is a verygood play of ukelele, this is my favourite interpretation of he

  2. I love when you play ukelele and I love sing with you hahaha

  3. I like The Beatles very much, but I dont like Wings, the band of Paul when beatles broke, they havent the same vibes, what you think?

  4. Danae, you've always done different artistics activity. I Would like to listen you when you play your Ukelele

  5. Thanks to you I haved know more The Beatles, I hope to continue learning songs with you in the ukelele


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